Eliminate The Earwigs From Your Life

There may be a small pest who have invaded your home that you are not even aware that you have. This pest is an earwig and although they are not poisonous or dangerous, anything that crawls inside your home is usually not a welcomed guest. Earwigs are normally found outside under rock, paving stones, logs, or even under the shady leaves of plants in your garden, but as the weather cools down they can become a nasty nuisance inside your home. [Read More]

Bed Bugs: Tips For Identifying, Preventing, And Removing This Pest

People often think about getting bed bugs through staying in a dirty hotel room or being in a house that isn't clean. Bed bugs can actually come from anywhere, and even a clean home can have bed bugs in it. Bed bugs can attach themselves to you in public places and cause you to unknowingly bring the bed bugs to your home. These tips will help you identify, prevent, and remove bed bugs. [Read More]

How To Get Rid Of Rats And Prevent Their Return

Rats are among the worst pests to invade your home. They are so destructive that they can do a lot of damage to your home and your valuable possessions, especially if you have several rats. Not only that, they make your home smell bad and they can transmit diseases. You definitely want rats out of your house. Rat pest control involves two aspects. The first step is to get rid of all the rats in your house currently, and the second step is to seal up your house so more rats won't move in. [Read More]

Everything You Wanted (Or Didn't Want) To Know About Silverfish

One of the most common types of residential pest control inquiries is how to get rid of silverfish. These intimidating pests are silver/gray in color and fairly small in size. They earned their name due to their movements being similar to the movements of a fish. Silverfish adore warm, humid conditions, and can typically be found in cupboards, basements, bathrooms, closets, attics and laundry rooms. Because of their small size, these pests can live in small cracks and scale walls and ceilings as well as jump as much as two feet vertically, making them extremely difficult to catch. [Read More]