Determining If You Have Termites: How To Tell

Termites can be winged or wingless pests that look very similar to a larger type of ant. These pests are classified as a pest because they feed on moist wood and can do damage to your home if you have moisture-damaged wood somewhere around your home. If you have termites in your home, there are a number of signs you can watch for. If you aren't sure what to look out for, read on for some of the signs to help you determine if you have termites. [Read More]

Ridding Your Home Of Nuisance House Flies

If you have been noticing an abundance of house flies that have gotten inside your structure, you surely want to take action to remove them promptly. Try these steps to keep your home free of house flies. Contact A Pest Control Service For An Inspection You can try to remove flies by opening windows and doors, however, if you do not find the breeding area that the house flies are using, you will certainly continue to have a problem. [Read More]

Four Things You Can Do About A Persistent Spider Problem

Spiders that are constantly invading your house can sometimes be a challenge to deal with, but you can make a noticeable impact by taking steps to remove possible entrances, taking away food sources, and deterring them from making their homes inside your own. Professional assistance can also make a big difference for more stubborn infestations. Keep Outside of House Clear If anything is touching the outside of your house, this can make it easy for pests to get inside whether you have any active pest control treatments or not. [Read More]

3 Flea Control Tips

Fleas are small pests that can get onto you from anywhere, attaching themselves to your socks, shoes or clothing, or even your pets, then they come into your home with you or your pet. Once inside your house, they can multiply and infest your home. They can be a nuisance to both you and your pets and they can cause itchy bumps all over your entire body. They can also cause your pets to itch and scratch as well, which will eventually need to be treated in order to remove them from your pets. [Read More]