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5 Factors That Encourage Honeybees To Nest On Your Property

Most bee species in America nest underground. But honeybees like to nest above ground in hollow trees, roof voids, abandoned furniture, and even the walls of your home. Come spring, if a swarm of honeybees decides to choose your property as a nesting site, you could soon find yourself uncomfortably close to a busy bee's nest. But what makes a property an ideal nesting location for honeybees?

1. Water sources

A primary need for honeybees is water. Honeybee scouts will look for water when searching for new nesting sites from March to July. If your property has an abundant source of water during this period, such as a pond or bird birth, honeybee scouts could take an interest in your property.

2. Abundance of rural land

Honeybees will need a supply of plants that they can extract pollen from to create honey. Because of this, they prefer to nest in locations that have access to rural land, such as nearby farmland or flower meadows.

3. Large hollow spaces above ground

Honeybees prefer to nest above ground, in spaces that they can easily defend from predators. If there are any areas on your property above ground, with small openings, such as eaves and soffits or siding, these areas could appeal to honeybees.

4. Enough space to accommodate thousands of bees

When a honeybee scout discovers a possible nesting site, they spend time exploring the site both inside and outside. One requirement for a nest is space. Since the nest will need to accommodate thousands of bees and a honeycomb that comprises thousands of units, scouts will look for large nesting sites rather than cramped sites. This is why honeybees often choose to nest inside the walls of homes. These spaces provide protection and space.

5. Honeycombs from old nests

One major factor that affects where honeybees choose to nest is old honeycombs. Old honeycombs still contain the pheromones of the old bee colony, and these pheromones can attract scouts as they search for nesting sites. If you suspect you may have an old nest on your property, locate it and remove the old honeycomb.

Honeybees are not aggressive. But if they decide to build a nest on your property, they can become a nuisance. However, this bee species is very beneficial to the environment. Rather than try to tackle the bees yourself, call a bee relocation service. They'll be able to remove the nest and relocate it in an area where the bees can still thrive without bothering humans.
